Admissions - Starting School

Making your decision

We believe it is essential that you gain as much information as possible to decide whether your child could thrive at Goring Church of England Primary School.

Do not hesitate to contact the school office on 01903 241175 or email if you have any further questions – a member of staff will be pleased to help you.

Please watch our virtual tour HERE and take a look around our website.

Application and Allocation of Places

In accordance with the 2002 Education Act, applications to the school will be made through the West Sussex County Council Admissions Office.

You need to apply online at -

The Admissions Team will inform the school of all those expressing a preference for the school.

The Governors’ Admission Panel will meet after the closing date for applications, to allocate places. If the school is oversubscribed, places will be offered in accordance with the oversubscription criteria.

The school will advise the WSCC Admissions Team of all allocated places.

The WSCC Admissions Team will write to parents to confirm the places allocated to children.

For applications during the school year - Moving school - West Sussex County Council

The schools Admissions Policy details the application process including arrangements for selection, oversubscription criteria and the appeals process.

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There has been a church school in the parish of St Mary's Goring since 1844, and the links between Goring School and St Mary's are still as strong as ever. If appropriate, please complete a Church Supported Application Form and return via the school office.

Church Supported Application Form

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Dear Sir/Madam

Notice is hereby given in accordance with legislation that the governing body, as the admissions authority of Goring C of E Primary School, is formally consulting on its proposed admission arrangements for 2026/27.  Please find attached draft copies of the proposed admission arrangements policy which includes our church supported and supplementary form.  

The only change is the introduction of children of staff as one of the over subscription criteria; this will be where a member of staff has been employed by Goring C of E Primary School for two years or more at the time at which the application for the admission to the school is made; and/or the member of staff is being employed to fill a vacant post at the school for which there is a demonstrable skills shortage. The rationale behind this is to support staff well-being by improving work-life balance for members of staff with children of school age, and secondly to ensure that students of Goring C of E Primary School can be taught/supported by specialist staff with vacancies for teaching and support staff attracting the highest calibre of applicants

The six week consultation will begin today, Wednesday, 18th December 2024 with the closing date for submitting comments being midnight on Friday, 31st  January 2025.

The proposed change will not affect anyone already attending the school.

Comments on the proposed admission arrangements should be sent to Goring C of E Primary School by the closing date.

Please submit comments to:

Mr R Ireland

Acting Headteacher


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